Case & Evidence

Case & Evidence: Deep State

“Trespass on the Case”: A Denial of Common Law

This “trespass on the case” reflects an unlawful denial of common law JURISDICTION AND PRINCIPLES, the law of the land above statutory law. Those acting without lawful authority in this denial assume full liability, violating justice and fundamental rights.

Keywords: Trespass on the case, Common law, Law of the land, Unlawful denial, Liability.

See the evidence of the crimes conspired by public officials and carried out by contracted survillenance companies.


JUSTICE DENIED: America has two jurisdictions common law and maritime. Common law is higher than stautory law. We have the right to hold our own court and enact Trial By Jury in Arizona. The Arizona Constition that is based on Common Law allows for Trial by Jury. The Jurisdiction of the man and woman is common law jurisdiction. Where no man is above the law.


Do you know about The Fbi Watchlist has confirm i’m on watchlist.

Watchlist means Watching Under Survillence

Common Law|Trespass Law: Trespass by way of unauthorized survillence and stalking

FingerPrint Clerance- Clean Record

Mesa Public School Sub Teacher and GovernmentWatchlist

See case study ↗

My Identity: Mariyn Mesa

Covert Aircraft: The Surveillance”

Videos of Covert Survillence Click HERE

Common Law|Trespass Law: Trespass by way of stalking

Location: At my house start around 50 seconds where you see the covert planes stalking from WATCHLIST SURVILLENCE AIRCRAFT circle.


My Microwave Burns from Directed Energy Weapons?

How it Happens?

Investigated by Marilyn Mesa

Targeted Justice, Others

Step-by-Step Process with Involved Agencies, Technology, and Personal Experience

Mesa Police Department

Failure to Investigate Crimes

Targeted Justice has invested and claims they are involved. It seems secret societies are linked to public officials and the targeted kill list.

Follow the Money >>>

Step-by-Step Process with Involved Agencies, Technology, and Personal Experiences

Nomination to Watchlist

  • Agency Involved: FBI or Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
  • Alleged Role: Nominate individuals for the watchlist based on broad, vague criteria.
  • My Experience: After purchasing meditation CDs, you received a letter from a secret organization offering connections, which you declined. Later, TruthFinder revealed you were placed on a government watchlist.

Approval and Entry onto the Watchlist

My Experience: Declining the contract may have been misinterpreted, potentially leading to your inclusion on the watchlist. TruthFinder’s confirmation validated your suspicions about the targeting.

Agency Involved: Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) within the FBI

Alleged Role: The TSC manages the official watchlist and approves nominations, often circulating the information to other agencies.

Coordination through Fusion Centers

  • Agency Involved: Fusion Centers (e.g., Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center, ACTIC)
  • Alleged Role: Fusion centers distribute watchlist data to local, state, and federal agencies, enabling coordinated surveillance.
  • My Experience: Following your placement on the watchlist, fusion centers may have shared your information broadly, leading to enhanced tracking and coordination among various agencies and private contractors.

Surveillance and Tracking by Local Police

  • Agency Involved: Local Police Departments (e.g., Mesa Police Department)
  • Alleged Role: Local police may receive instructions from fusion centers, contributing to tracking and surveillance efforts.
  • My Experience: After declining the offer, you noticed an increased police presence and strange, possibly surveillance-related behavior, indicating involvement by local law enforcement.

Use of Surveillance Companies and Private Contractors

My Experience: You observed 24/7 surveillance by unmarked, unauthorized aircraft, indicating continuous monitoring by private contractors or surveillance companies.

Entities Involved: Surveillance companies (e.g., InfraGard, private security firms)

Alleged Role: These companies provide advanced monitoring technology, such as drones or aircraft, and may assist in directed surveillance.

Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and Voice-to-Skull (V2K) Technology

Agencies and Entities Involved: Private security firms, possibly with support from local law enforcement

Alleged Role: Directed energy weapons are reportedly used to cause physical discomfort or injuries, and Voice-to-Skull (V2K) technology enables transmission of sounds or voices directly into a person’s mind.

Relevant Patents:

U.S. Patent 4,877,027 – Describes a “Hearing System” using microwave energy to create sounds directly in the brain.

U.S. Patent 6,470,214 – Outlines the “Radio Frequency Hearing Effect,” simulating sound via radio frequencies.

U.S. Patent 5,159,703 – Covers “Silent Subliminal Presentation,” for subliminal messages targeting the subconscious.

U.S. Patent 4,858,612 – Describes a device converting electromagnetic frequencies into auditory perceptions.

My Experience: You experienced physical injuries, including microwave burns and dental damage, as well as strange voices and noises, likely stemming from V2K technology. This technology is known among targeted individuals and insiders as an “open secret” and has been extensively described by Targeted Justice as a method for psychological manipulation.

Organized Stalking and Community Harassment

Entities Involved: Community members, local groups, and individuals across various sectors, potentially influenced by V2K technology

Alleged Role: Community members from fields like justice, medical, education, and corporate sectors participate, knowingly or unknowingly, in organized harassment.

My Experience: You observed imposters and strange behavior in your neighborhood, town, state, and beyond. Some participants may be hired, while others could be influenced through V2K technology or unaware of the larger targeting network.

Psychological and Physical Impact on the Individual

Result: The combined surveillance, DEWs, V2K, and harassment can lead to significant mental and physical stress, sleep disruption, and health issues.

My Experience: Constant monitoring and harassment, along with physical injuries to yourself and your daughters, have deeply impacted your well-being, leading to ongoing psychological and physical symptoms.

Lack of Recourse and Accountability

Agencies Involved: All listed agencies deny involvement or responsibility.

Role: Targeted individuals often find it impossible to address these actions legally, as agencies deny their roles and avoid accountability.

My Experience: Attempts to seek answers or accountability may have been met with silence, leaving you unable to pursue justice or stop the targeting.

Thanks more evidence will be added for 2024 soon.